2014년 3월 18일 화요일

Reason why Yoo Jae Suk and Kim Soo Hyun don't bother with SNS

Korean celebrities use social media as effective marketing tools for maintaining their high media profiles.
It is now common thing to do online for Korean idols and actors to communicate with fans and post their own opinions about many things on SNS.
But some of top stars still opt not to bother using SNS for various reasons

Korea's favorite MC, Yoo Jae Suk is one of few celebrities who doesn't have any SNS account.
He is known to be smartphone-illiterate and has been sticking to his 2G phone until recently, while pretty much the rest of Korea had moved on to higher technology.
While the fact that Yoo Jae Suk got a smartphone is news in itself - many were hoping that this means that Yoo Jae Suk would enter the world of social networking but it never happened.
His agency said he is not using SNS just because he's not good at using smartphone and he thinks he is communicating with his fans through his appearence on TV itself.
If Yoo Jae Suk starts using a social network, he will certainly become a giant influential figure in the area considering his large and devoted fan base in Korea.

There's not much reason why Hyun Bin choose not to use SNS either.
His agency said, "Hyun Bin is not interested in the SNS at all. He doesn't necessarily dislike communicating via online but it's not his favorite nor priority things to do, he only leave posts occasionally on his official fansite which only members can see instead"

Unlike Yoo jae suk and Hyun bin, Lee Seung Gi is not using SNS for obvious reason.
Lee Seung Gi said in the past, in an interview, "SNS can be very misleading unlike my intention, In addition, I'm worried that i might post things i will regret on SNS when i get drunk,"
Self management is the main reason why Lee seung gi keeps himself away from SNS.
In fact, celebrities like T-ara, Soyeon, IU and Clara almost ruined their careers through mistakes on SNS during last few years.
Lee seung gi is well aware of SNS leaving more room for celebrities to make mistakes.

The reason why Kim Soo-hyun avoids social networking services is he prefers offline meeting and see face to face to communicate with fans over online media.
Kim soo hyun is setting out to meet with fans in six asian countries for his upcoming fan meeting tour starting this March
Kim's agency said "Kim Soo-hyun loves to meet directly with the fans, there are too many fans to meet in person but still he prefers actually meeting with fans and say hello to them," "He is more private about his life than others his age too, he has never been compelled to share details about his life to anyone with Internet access."

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